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Version: v0.8.0

Annotation-based scheduling

In Annotation-based scheduling, Kubernetes workloads can be scheduled to run on any one of the workload clusters managed by the Nova control plane simply by adding an annotation to the workload manifest.

The annotation to be added to the workload manifest will specify the destination workload cluster. Here is an example of an annotation that will schedule the corresponding Kubernetes object to a workload cluster named workload-dev-1:

annotations: workload-dev-1


Nova comes with sample workloads that can be used to try out annotation-based scheduling. These workloads are available in the examples/sample-workloads folder in the try-nova repository. Let's use the nginx workload available in try-nova repo in the: examples/sample-workloads/nginx.yaml to try out annotation-based scheduling.

  1. In the workload manifest file: examples/sample-workloads/nginx.yaml, edit annotation my-workload-cluster-1 replacing my-workload-cluster-1 with the name the workload cluster on which you would like to run the nginx workload. If you would like to retrieve the list of workload clusters being managed by Nova, run this command:
kubectl --context=nova get clusters
workload-dev-1 1.22 workload-dev-1 True True False
workload-dev-2 1.22 workload-dev-2 True True False
  1. To start running the workload: kubectl --context=nova apply -f examples/sample-workloads/nginx.yaml
kubectl --context=nova apply -f examples/sample-workloads/nginx.yaml
  1. To verify that the deployment has begun:
kubectl --context=nova get deployments
nginx 2/2 2 2 28s
  1. To check that the deployment's pods have begun running in the workload cluster:
kubectl --context my-workload-dev-1 get pods
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-66b6c48dd5-g6nrg 1/1 Running 0 106s
nginx-66b6c48dd5-r2twr 1/1 Running 0 106s
  1. Note that there will be no pods running in the Nova control plane cluster:
kubectl --context=nova get pods
No resources found in default namespace.

Updating and Deleting Kubernetes resources through Nova

You can also modify or delete a workload through Nova and Nova will automatically update the corresponding objects in the workload cluster. Let's use the nginx deployment as an example:

  1. To change number of replicas to 3, run:
kubectl --context=nova scale deployment nginx --replicas=3
  1. In your workload cluster, there should be 3 nginx pods running.
  2. Run
kubectl --context=nova get deployments

and you should be able to see 3 replicas running.

Deleting a workload in nova will result in the workload being deleted from the workload cluster too:

kubectl --context=nova delete deployment nginx

You should be able to see the nginx deployment deleted both from nova control plane and your workload cluster.